Monday, June 23, 2008

Out with the Old, in with the New

Well... I did super well all of last week.. until I had to eat around other people. Then I made many of the same choices I've made before. Ugh. I decided I needed a goal. This time, instead of focusing on a weight goal (which I do have, of course), I am just focusing on a goal of developing new habits. I think I need more than 21 days...

So!! Today begins my 90 day experiment. Here are the detail goals:
  1. To exclusively, without exception, eat only whole foods for 90 consecutive days.
  2. No alcohol
  3. No coffee What? Who said that?
  4. To plan for and be mindful of social eating experiences.
  5. To exercise in some fashion 5 days per week. Activity and duration is flexible.
  6. To drink plenty of water
  7. To take daily supplements

I think that should cover it! YAY! Stay tuned.